Sunday 19 May 2019

Step-by-step tutorial for painting Ratcatcher - Part 1

The base.

I started prepping the miniature as normal by removing some flash and mold lines and quickly decided to use a different plain lipped base. The bottom of the slotta was blocked off with some masking tape

The base was then partially filled with all purpose filler.

I then placed the sewer entrance onto the base and left to dry.

Ratcatcher was removed from the tab and then had a pin inserted into his boot.

I like to use corks for the miniatures that I use pins with for extra stability.

Ratcatcher was then primed with black and then given a blast from above with white.

I wanted to spend a bit more time priming the sewer entrance base so I used an airbrush after priming it in black. The airbrush was used to add grey to the mid tone and white to the top surface i.e. spraying from directly above and then towards the bottom of the brickwork.

Switching to a brush now I applied two layers of quite thin Citadel's XV88, at least 50:50 paint to water. After it had dried you should see that it is still lighter towards the bottom where we highlighted with white.

The slime area was coated with Citadel’s Moot Green. The half pipe at the top was coated with Mechanicus Standard Grey. I then applied a dark brown wash to separate the bricks of the brown brickwork.


The grey curved stone work was given a drybrush of light grey

I then added white to the light grey and drybrushed the grey brick work. I highlighted the edges of the brown brick work with Karak Stone.

The rat tails were given a coat with Citadel’s Bestigor Flesh.

The rat tails were highlighted with Ungor Flesh.

The rat bodies were tidied up with a mid grey colour, Citadel’s Dawnstone and then highlighted with drybrushing some Administratum Grey concentrating on the head and the middle of the back area.

Slime was then added using Vallejo’s Water Texture and a mix of greens. There’s a link below to the video tutorial for this stage.

The metal pipe was given a coat of Citadel’s Warplock Bronze.

Skrag Brown was then stippled on to give some rusty texture. Followed by stippling on some Citadel’s Fire Dragon Bright to give some variation.

The edge of the base was tidied up and the slime was given a couple of coats of realistic water.

Click on the link below for the video tutorial

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