Saturday 16 February 2019

Step-by-step Abandoned burnt out car

Preparation - First of all I disassembled the car and discarded the plastic windscreen and headlights. The front seats have been ripped out and replaced with a frame made from a bent paper clip. The back seats have been smoothed off with green stuff. Everything was primed grey.

1. Using an airbrush I sprayed the car with a couple of coats of Vallejo’s Armour Brown

2. Spray the car with black in a random pattern.

3. Airbrush Vallejo’s Pale Blue Grey

4. Airbrush Citadel’s Trollslayer Orange

5. Airbrush Vallejo’s White Grey. Once that is dry give the car a coat of hairspray, I use a supermarket brand and works fine.

6. Base coat with your main car colour, I used Vallejo’s Buff for the main body and a contrasting Vallejo Armour Brown for one of the doors.

7. Moisten will with warm water using a large brush. Then you can start the chipping process using an old drybrush, stipple brush and a toothpick. Repeat this process until your are happy with the result.

8. Add some pigment washes. I used Lifecolor Liquid pigments: Carriage Grime to add shadows, Black Umber to reinforce lines and Rain Marks to add some streaks down the sides of the car.

9. This stage was using some weathering powders to add texture. I sprinkled some pigment fixer onto the car by dipping a toothbrush in the fixer and flicking it over the car. I then used a large stiff brush, dipped it in the powder and then tapped the brush handle to sprinkle the powder over the car to get a random covering.

10. It’s the same process for this stage but used a mix of a dark brown powder mixed with a black and then again using black on it’s own.

The finished article :-)


  1. Cracking blog so far - it's great to be able to keep up with your work and the tips are spot on. Keep it up!

    In the meantime, I just need to ask. Point 5. on the car tutorial - what's the reasoning behind the hairspray?

    1. Thanks a lot. The hairspray acts as a barrier which protects the previous work but also allows you to remove patches and chips in the paint layer applied after the hairspray. This will give a more realistic chipped paint effect than trying to paint it by hand.
