Sunday 19 May 2019

Step-by-step tutorial for painting Ratcatcher - Part 2


N.B. I used Citadel paints unless stated other wise.

The miniature was prepped and primed, a pin was inserted in the foot and attached to a cork base.

I used Skrag Brown for the trousers, gloves and hair. A 50:50 mix of Warpstone Glow and Moot Green was used for the jacket. Mechanicus Standard Grey mixed with Black for the staff.

The trousers, hair and gloves were shaded with Agrax Earthshade. The green jacket was shaded with Biel Tan Green.

The top layer of strapped clothing and gas mask were base coated with Tau Light Ochre. The lantern, shoes and staff tips were base coated with Ironbreaker and later shaded with Nuln Oil. I used a light grey for the gas mask hose.
The dark brown strap across the chest and the layer under the trousers was base coated with Rhinox Hide. The strap continues around the top and bottom of the canister on his back.

The strapped clothing was shaded with a 50:50 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Seraphim Sepia.

The green jacket was layered with the original base coat mix of Warpstone Glow and Moot Green with about a 50:50 ratio of paint to water. Try keeping out of the recessed folds.

The first highlight to the green jacket was using Moot Green, again keeping the paint thin and only painting the upper parts of each fold.

Another highlight using Moot Green mixed with a little white and Yriel Yellow.

The trousers and gloves were layered with the original Skrag Brown.

The trousers and gloves were highlighted using Deathclaw Brown.

The trousers and gloves were highlighted with Deathclaw Brown mixed with a little Ushabti Bone.
The hair was highlighted with Skrag Brown mixed with a little Ushabti bone. The straps on the trousers were painted with Rhinox Hide with a thin black line either side to add definition.

The buckles for the leg straps were picked out using Leadbelcher and lined with black.

The lantern was highlighted with Leadbelcher and then again with Runefang Steel.

The gas mask hose was shaded with a thinned Nuln Oil wash as was the bottom half of the rat’s body.

The staff was highlighted using Mechanicus Standard Grey and then again by adding a little Administratum Grey to the mix.

The canister was base coated with Tau Light Ochre.

The deeper stripes were shaded using a mix of Skrag Brown and Agrax Earthshade.

The top half of the raised stripes were highlighted with Tau Light Ochre mixed with a little Ushabti Bone. It was then highlighted again with a thin glaze of Ushabti Bone to the top third.

The top layer or strapped clothing was highlighted by picking out the raised straps with Tau Light Ochre. The goggles were picked out with Runefang Steel and the l used a dark grey for the lenses and pushed a black glaze towards the top of the lenses to get a transition. The gas mask hose was highlighted with a light grey. 

The rat was highlighted by drybrushing Dawnstone mixed with Administratum Grey and again with the same mix with some white added in. Finally he was glued to the brick base.

The finished Ratcatcher...

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