Wednesday 19 June 2019

Step-by-step tutorial for painting Arthur Weasley


I used Citadel paints for this one unless stated other wise.

Working from a zenithal primed miniature, I started with the flesh tones. The base coat is Cadian Flesh.

Shade the flesh with Reikland Fleshshade and leave to dry.

Layer with Cadian Flesh leaving the shadow areas showing.

Highlight the skin with Kislev Flesh

Highlight again in a smaller area with Kislev Flesh mixed with some Flayed One Flesh.

Mark out the eyes with and off-white colour. I tend to use Vallejo’s Ivory. I find it easier to turn the model 90 degrees and place the tip of the brush in the corner of the eye socket near the nose and gently pull the bush towards the other corner. It will take a couple of strokes to get a nice even finish.

The eyes were dotted with black. The hair was given a coat of Skrag Brown, I then apply a wash of Agrax Earthshade into the recesses of the hair.
The trousers were given a thin coat of Vallejo’s Deck Tan

The jumper was base coated using Vallejo’s Vermillion, it took about 3 thin coats to get a nice even layer.

I used a dark green for the vertical stripes. I used the tip of the shirt collar as a starting point and traced the line down to the edge of the pocket by his right hand and did exactly the same on the other side. This ensured that I’d get some straight lines. Once I was happy with the traced lines I filled in the two centre lines and then put another line on the outer edges of the jumper out to the sides. Once you have the lines in place I then slowly made them thicker trying to keep them the same width. If you add some flow improver to your paint it helps make the lines easier to draw.

I started the horizontal lines using Vermillion and flow improver. Again using reference points like the bottom of the pockets. It’s easier to add these lines holding Arthur on his side and trace the lines from one edge down to the other edge.

Try to keep the stripes equally spaced and of the equal thickness.

I mixed a little Beige Red to the Vermillion to make a lighter tone and applied it very carefully to the squares where the red overlaps itself.

Carefully line the green squares using a dark colour like Vallejo’s Dark Sea Blue with Black.
The draw thin lines down the middle of each vertical stripe and along each horizontal stripe.

Same process again but this time using an off white to connect up the green squares.

Highlight the hair with a mix of Skrag Brown and Fire Dragon Bright. The shoes were painted with XV88

Highlight the hair by adding more Fire Dragon Bright to the mix.

Highlight the hair again by adding in a little Yriel Yellow to the mix.

I applied another thin layer of Deck Tan to the raised creases of the trousers to intensify their colour leaving the deeper creases in shadow. Then applied a highlight by adding in some Vallejo’s Ivory.

The jacket was given a couple of coats using Steel Legion Drab. Followed by a thinned wash of Agrax Earthshade in the recesses and folds.

The Jacket was highlighted using Balor Brown and again by adding a little Ushabti Bone to the mix.  Use the same last highlight mix for the edges of the shoes. 

The corresponding YouTube tutorial can be found here:

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