Monday 11 February 2019

Abandoned Diner

Here's my take on an abandoned diner, the MDF kit is from Multiverse Gaming.

Once the kit was built, it was given a few coats of primer to get an even coverage. I use the grey primer from Halfords.

The colour of the Diner is going to be white and red but because I wanted a chipped paint effect, I used a base coat of Vallejo's Pale Sand as the undercoat which will show through after the chipping effect stage. Once that had dried it was sprayed with hairspray, any one will do. I use a supermarket home brand and works fine. The curtains are some spare fabric furniture samplers I had knocking about.

Once the hiar psray was dry I base coated the diner with Vallejo's Off White, it took about 3 coats using an airbrush to get a decent coverage. As long as you keep the paint thin the chipping stage will not be an issue.

The contrasting colou will be red. I masked off the areas directly surrounding the red area, again I used a few coats with an airbrush using Citadel's Scarlet.

Remove the masking tape and tidy up the lines or over spray if necessary.

For the chipping stage I gathered a few hard bristled brushes, a toothpick and a craft knife.
Working in sections I applied warm water with a large brush to soften the paint and then scrubbed over with a dry hard bristled brush and started to remove the top coat of paint. A toothpick can be used to be more precise. Keep goign until you are happy with the level of chipping. With hind sight I should have chosen a darker tone for the under coat.

I gave the roof a coat of Vallejo's Dark Grey

Next stage is to start adding grafitti. There will be a post about my grafitti method very soon.

Again, keep going until you are happy.

Add pigments. I used a variety from various ranges : Light Earth, Burnt Umber, Red Ochre and Soot. On the roof I sprinkled on some airbrush thinner before adding the pigments as the thinner acts as a fixer. Once again, keep going until you are happy.

Add various bits and bobbs to the roof for added interest. Spare Tyre, planks of wood, wire, bottles and weeds. Once you are happy give the whole building a covering of sealer, or if you prefer Testor's Dullcote.


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